Kindergarten Spanish:
Check out Mrs. Stedina's class doing our "buenos dias" song--it's how we start each class.
We also read The Little Half Chick by Lucia M. Gonzalez, a story about a spoiled chick who did not treat his amigos very well, and talked about our "no put-down" rules. We agreed that no one likes put-downs--No Me Gusta!--and talked about things we do like--Me Gusta! After coloring a picture of some things that make us say "Me gusta (I like it)", we talked about how amigos work together and cooperate, especially on a team. We watch Dora the Explorer and her amigos play "futbol" and then we got a chance to work together to try to score some goals with the soccer ball in the classroom. Gol!!
1-2 Technology:

This week the 1-2 classes started
Keyseeker, a program which helps young children learn to use two hands while keyboarding. A purple letter on the monitor gets typed with the purple hand and a green letter uses the green hand; thus, the hand smiley faces! We'll be using this program for a few weeks at the beginning of each class. The students also learned how to find their folders on the computer. Lots of "double click" practice (and some frustration!) as we went to My Computer-R drive-Kidsave-teacher name-student name. It will get easier! After that we linked back to the classroom unit study on insects by watching
Ace Lacewing: Bug Detective on
tumblebooks, a great site.
3-4 Technology:
After our Type to Learn keyboarding practice, the students used Paint to make puzzles as a gift for their younger grade "dynabuddies." They made a picture and then used the straight line tool to divide it into pieces. I'll print out the pictures and laminate them so that they can be cut on the lines and put into a baggie as puzzles for our first grade friends. Here's an example of one of the pictures:

Good mouse control practice as well as lots of fun!
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