Since we started this session on a Tuesday, and had Tuesday computer lab glitches last week, this short week worked perfectly to get everyone onto the same schedule for after the Thanksgiving holiday.
Kindergarten Spanish:
Our Fort Craig Thanksgiving feast was timed perfectly for our discussions on familia and dia de gracias! We talked alot about what we say gracias for and about our familias and our holiday traditions. After coloring a holiday picture, we read Gracias, The Thanksgiving Turkey by Joy Cowley and played Donde esta el bebe, a fun guessing game.
B1-2 Technology:
First, just a quick note to say how proud I am of these little guys! They now come into the lab, go quietly to their computer, log in, and go straight to keyboard climber (navigating internet, favorites, ikeepbookmarks) all on their own! Way to go! This week, we watched a Brainpop thanksgiving movie and then used our knowledge of the first thanksgiving to make a picture with dialogue in kerpoof. The final results looked something like this:

Remember, to play kerpoof at home, login with student class id. The nickname is the first three letters of the first name and the first three letters of the last name, password is kerpoof, and class id is m861 Happy kerpoofing!
3-4 Technology:
After Type to Learn and our body keyboarding, students assembled their "Little Book of Thanks" that they made last week. They came out great! Once the books were put together, students watched a Thanksgiving slideshow and did some fun activities on ikeepbookmarks, including a kerpoof Thanksgiving picture.
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