Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spring Session Week 2

Kindergarten Spanish:
This week we learned the parts of a plant: semilla(seed),raices(roots),tallo(stem),hojas(leaves) and flor(flower). We practiced our new vocabulary with the always popular dice game and then read Carlos and the Cornfield. We ate blue corn chips, made from blue corn semillas just like in the story. The children also colored and made collages of flores-muy bonita!

B1-2 Technology:
After Dance Mat typing, we discussed this sessions theme of "In a Small Pond" and listened to the tumblebook One Duck Stuck. We then revisited our "How Tall is a First Grader" graphs from the Fall and remeasured our youngers-everyone has grown an inch or more! We used paint to make a picture showing things that we are taller than and things that we are shorter than. Next week we will put this together in a voicethread and add student narrations-if everything goes as planned!

3-4 Technology:
This session's keyboarding starters will be to work through Dance Mat typing, advancing whenever a level has been completed. After keyboarding we continued gathering our Fort Craig census data by interviewing the B1-2 classes. Back in the lab, we used voki to create a public service announcement about the importance of the census. Unfortunately, we were unable to publish them due to lab problems, but they were a lot of fun to make!

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