Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Session Week 5

B1-2 Technology:
2. Read Duck! Rabbit! by Amy Rosenthal
3. Just like our story, some things depend on how you look at them. When compared to some things you are short, but compared to other things you are tall. Open your folder and find the "I am taller/shorter than" document and create a picture in Paint, adding sentences in text boxes. While you are working, we will remeasure our first graders for the How Tall Is A First Grader project and make a graph.
4. Play some measuring games:
            Dinosaur Train 
            Measuring Up with Clifford
5. Check out some Tall Tales!

3-4 Technology:

2. We will discuss some tips for composing a picture with a digital camera and then head out to the playground to capture some memories!

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